
by Consilium Tronina Przemysław



Certag mobile app is a tool recommended by GMP+ International, dedicated to GMP+ certified carriers and their clients. It was created to support transparency and feed fraud prevention in the GMP+ supply chain. It provides GMP+ certified carriers and their clients with simple and easy to use tools to plan, record, authenticate, and to inspect transport of feed.GMP+ certified transport companies use the application to:- register means of transport they use in an online Database of Certified Transport;- plan transport routes and to assign them to drivers (simple telematics system);- register results of inspections of loading compartments and cleaning regimes applied after unloading;- share easily history of previous loads and cleaning regimes at entry-check inspections;- assign NFC tags to loading compartments registered in the Database of Certified Transport (if the carrier use Certag system NFC tags).Clients of GMP+ certified carriers use our mobile app to: - check actual GMP+ certification status of the transport company;- make entry-check inspections of GMP+ assured transports (cleanliness, certification status, previous loads, applied cleaning regimes, etc.);- register results of entry-check inspections;- verify authenticity of printed transport logbooks with NFC tags (if used by the carrier).